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📜Tourist routes:关于天中山的由来,有两个流传甚广的说法,一说西周时,周公旦奉命营建东都洛阳,在各地建圭表测日影、求地中,他在汝南汝河北岸建的圭表,夏至正午影长最短,因此被认为这里是天下之中,于是堆土垒石以标记,得名“天中山”,另一说则源自古代人们用日影变化来计算时辰,《汝南旧志》记载:“自古测日影,以此为正,故筑土累石以记之。”无论是哪种说法,都足以证明天中山在古代人们心中的重要地位。🏯
🎟️The week has passedLike a year of flowing water
🗺️Article archiving:天中山文化园内布局合理,景点众多,你可以漫步在绿树成荫的小道上,欣赏沿途的美景;也可以驻足于古色古香的亭台楼阁间,品味历史的韵味,每一处都是风景,每一步都是故事。👣
🎭Chenfan Park is located in the northwest of Pingyu County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, adjacent to Chenfan Road in the east and Donghuang Avenue in the south (another saying is that it is adjacent to Fuyu Avenue in the south). The park covers an area of 128 acres, the greening rate is as high as 82%, the county construction bureau is responsible for the planning, design and construction, started in November 2006, has been fully completed and opened to the public 24 hours a day. The park takes the promotion of Chen Fan culture as the theme, you can see the white marble gatehouse and the double lion in front of the door when you enter the park, and there are Chen Fan statues, relief jade walls, Chen Fan tombs and Taifu tablets in the park. Surrounded by Meilan, bamboo and chrysanthemum, each into a forest garden, the lotus lake is sparkling, the small bridge is flowing water, the scenery is pleasant, it is an ideal place for the residents of Pingyu County to relax and entertain.:为了丰富游客的文化体验,天中山文化园还会定期举办各种文化活动,如书法展览、戏曲表演、民俗展示等,这些活动不仅让游客了解了更多的历史文化知识,还让他们感受到了中国传统文化的魅力。🎭
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🏛️Chenfan Park is located in the northwest of Pingyu County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, adjacent to Chenfan Road in the east and Donghuang Avenue in the south (another saying is that it is adjacent to Fuyu Avenue in the south). The park covers an area of 128 acres, the greening rate is as high as 82%, the county construction bureau is responsible for the planning, design and construction, started in November 2006, has been fully completed and opened to the public 24 hours a day. ...:与天中山文化园相邻的,是天中山遗址,这里保留了更多关于天中山的历史遗迹和文物,走在遗址内,你可以看到古老的碑刻、残破的城墙,它们仿佛在诉说着千年的往事。🏰
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🖌️Running duration: 0.215 seconds:说到天中山,就不能不提唐代大书法家颜真卿亲书的“天中山”碑文了,唐德宗建中三年(公元782年),淮西节度使李希烈叛唐,建中四年(公元783年),朝廷派颜真卿到许昌宣慰李希烈部,虽然遭遇生命危险,但颜真卿仍坚守气节,至死不从,后来,他在汝南天中山留下了这块著名的碑文。🖋️
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🌳248 Read:近年来,汝南县政府加大了对群众娱乐设施的建设力度,天中山作为重点之一,被建成了汝南县最大的休闲娱乐场所——天中山生态园,这里不仅保留了天中山的历史遗迹和文化氛围,还融入了现代的生态理念,成为了一个集休闲、娱乐、观光于一体的综合性公园。🏞️
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🍽️Chenfan Park - Anyang Tourism Network:当然啦,来到天中山生态园怎么能错过美食呢?这里不仅有各种地道的河南小吃,如胡辣汤、烩面等,还有各种美味的烧烤和特色菜肴等你来品尝,一边享受美食,一边欣赏美景,这样的体验简直太棒了!🍴
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